Sunday, August 9, 2009

July Fun

Marc had major eye surgery in July...

We enjoyed a fun day at Lake Lawrence with friends from college. All of these guys lived in one house together!

Katie and Garret (and Conner) enjoyed swimming lessons for 2 weeks... in anticipation of our trip to Hawaii.

Tiger (our older cat) does not appreciate his newest family members... Cotton and Ash... here, he is showing his disgust.

I enjoyed a fun weekend with my girlfriends from High School, we were celebrating our 40th birthdays... Terese, Me, LeAnna, Andie and Taffy... brunch at the Space Needle

Our Red Neck Yacht Club

We went crabbing on Hood Canal... got some crabs, but they were too small!

Here we are in front of Chico's Pizza Parlor... the best pizza EVER!

Visiting Grandpa Dwight in Royal City... he was working on a friend's deck and the kids were watching.

Katie and I picked peaches in the orchard when we went to visit Grandpa.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Love the Red Neck Yacht Club!