From the river you can see both Mt. St. Helens and also Mt. Rainier. We all decided that next time we go down, we will have to make a trip to the Mt. St. Helen's visitor center. As close as we get each time, we have yet to take the kids there.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
3 Day Weekend
Friday, January 16, 2009
Our Crazy Life!
A photo from the entrance of school toward the the distance, Mt. Rainier. I guess this is why they call it "Foothills Elementary"... I wish I was a better photographer, the view is beautiful!
A typical afterschool meeting for me... I think I had something every night this week! This was science training with my teammates, Heidi and Nancy. We were debating the specific elements of a "glo-stick"...don't ask!
Conner had an "end of the season" wrestling tournament Wed. & Thur. I tried to get a picture of him on the mat... but as most of his season went, it was quick and over and I missed it. His coach was Mr. Ruddiger. He had a good time and enjoyed himself for the most part, I think it was harder than he thought. For a kid that hasn't tried sports since t-ball... he did great!
Amanda, Tracy, Denise, Laurie (front row), Sarah and Me (back row)
We played some funny games and had good food, all inspired by a Sports Theme (it's a BOY!). One game we played was called "Who broke their water?" In the bottom of every cup, frozen ice and a plastic baby inside...I just about threw my cup.
(do you see the teeny plastic baby??)
Well, not all of this happened on the same exact day, but I feel sometimes like I am going in a hundred different directions. The kids keep Marc and I on our toes!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
South Prarie Creek (NO, River?)
The superintendent of our school district actually lives on a road right after this house and he was "stuck" there for a couple days. Conner's bus usually comes this way and had to go around everyday which meant he was last to school for awhile.
*1-16-09 I added the "after" photos for comparison. You can see they are doing some road repair...adding big rocks and sucking out the silt from the drainage system.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
More Friends...
My Merry Maids
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year's Eve at the Ranch
Jay, Conner and Garret in a serious battle on the Xbox!
Katie and Maya...hottub in the snow?
A visit from a large Elf for Hawkman.
A visit with friends
A visit with Santa (sort of...)
Christmas at Home!
Christmas Eve
Snow Fun!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Church Christmas Program
Katie is on the far left in this photo. On a side note... the cow was quite hilarious. He ran around the whole time and was quite entertaining!